Mark Diesendorf (2016) in a well reasoned article called “Renewable energy versus nuclear: dispelling the myths” highlights 15 myths of nuclear power. That article also appeared in The Ecologist. See also other articles including
- Nuclear vs Renewable Energy (Change Discussion)
- Nuclear SMR Reactors
- Small Power – Why Nuclear Is Not an Option
The Top 15 Myths of Nuclear Power
- Base-load power stations are necessary. Or a variant of the myth that base-load stations back up variable renewable energy
- There is a renaissance in nuclear energy.
- Renewable energy is not ready to replace fossil fuels.
- Nuclear weapons are independent of civil nuclear energy.
- Nuclear is not dangerous and the death toll from Chernobyl was 28 to 64
- The problem of permanently storing nuclear has been solved.
- The IFR could burn up the worlds nuclear wastes.
- Nuclear emits no or negliable green house gas emissions.
- Nuclear energy is a suitable partner for renewable energy in the grid.
- Nuclear reactors can be operated flexibly to follow changes in demand or load.
- Renewable energy is more expensive than nuclear.
- Renewable energy is very diffuse and hence requires huge land areas and nuclear does not.
- Energy payback periods (in energy units, not money) of renewable energy technologies are comparable with their lifetimes.
- Danish electricity prices are among the highest in Europe, because of the large contribution from wind energy.
- Computer simulation models of the operation of electricity grids with 80-100% renewable electricity are meaningless over-simplifications of real systems.
Other Myths
- Nuclear is renewable energy and infintite
- Small Nuclear Reactors Overcome the problems
- China is building many new reactors
- Does not use much water
- Nuclear or Gas is required for seasonal variations in renewable energy.
Australia Nuclear Power – How Would It Work?
For a detailed look at the Australia Situation, read Evan Beaver article A Plan for Nuclear Power in Australia (EV Crickets)
- Need about 20 nuclear plants
- The cost to build the first, and subsequent nuclear power plants in Australia is a gigantic unknown, and a pretty hotly contested topic
- If Australia got excited about nuclear power and decided to go all-in, it would cost at least $150b to meet our electrical energy and power needs, and using more recent estimates it could cost more like $280b – $480b
- Need to change Australias laws
- After law change – a 10-15 year construction timeline for a nuke so 2035 at best
- The current government (2022) doesn’t even believe in climate change.