batteries last 40 years

Can batteries last 40 years? Recent research from Stanford and Applied Energy Division, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory shows batteries may last up to 70%. Battery life is a function of

  • Frequency of charging
  • How often is discharged
  • What capacity it is charged to – 80% or 100%
  • Temperature control during charging and use
  • Chemistry
  • Battery structure
  • Some magic.

SLAC just published a paper demonstrating some magic. Battery lifetimes up 70% longer. Battery life could be over 37 years based on a daily charge and with a 10,000 times lifecycle. All they tested was the speed of the first time after manufacture.

This extension of lifecycle changes the cost of batteries when the lifecycle extends past 10 years to 20, 30, 40 years?

CleanTechnica explain this as

“to envision a bucket filled to the brim with water. You can’t carry it for more than a few steps before it starts spilling out uncontrollably. However, if you deliberately spill some out before you start walking, the remaining water has room to slosh around without escaping.

Summary of Paper

  1. Challenging Conventional Wisdom. Researchers found that the traditional 10-hour initial charge for lithium-ion batteries might not be optimal.
  2. Fast Charging Benefits: A 20-minute high-current charge, despite initial lithium loss, resulted in an average 50% increase in battery lifespan.
  3. SEI Optimization: The key to improved lifespan lies in optimizing the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) layer. The SEI is a protective layer formed during the charging process.
  4. Efficiency Gains: The fast-charging method offers a more efficient alternative to temperature-based approaches for SEI optimization.

Notable Insights

The research challenges a long-held assumption in the EV industry. A a more aggressive charging strategy can actually benefit battery longevity. This could have significant implications for EV manufacturers, grid storage and consumers, leading to more efficient and sustainable electric vehicles and grid storage./

More Reading

  1. EV Battery Makers Have Been Doing It Wrong This Whole Time Tina Casey CleanTechnica
  2. Data-driven analysis of battery formation reveals the role of electrode utilization in extending cycle life Cui et al 2024