Leading humanoid robots in 2024

In 2024, we will have multiple rapidly advancing humanoid robots to watch. Manufacturing robots are in most factories globally and rapidly increasing. The most automated auto factory in the world is the Tesla Gigafactory in China, which claims automation of 95% of manufacturing. 2024 will see humanoid robots leverage AI using end-to-end neural nets. Many commentators say humanoid robots will be deployed into factories in the thousands or tens of thousands.

Humanoid robots are not new Wikipedia . What is new is what AI surge in 2022 has enabled robots to learn to do new tasks.

Follow Cern Basher on X. This collation of announced robots by Jan 2024. https://x.com/CernBasher/status/1751783563979088284?s=20

The advances in robotics and AI are breathtaking. The demonstration by Aloha would have been impossible or Science Fiction. Now, even (smart, focused) startups can do it.

Robotics with AI are hot investment topics so there will be multiple knockoff startup companies vying for attention and funding. It’s a gold rush.

Leading Humanoid Robots to Watch

Cern Basher lists his watch list on Feb 16, 2024

From Cerb Basher – Updated Link https://x.com/CernBasher/status/1758970904422346909?s=20
Robot NameCompanyCompany WebsiteKey Features
PhoenixSanctuary AIhttps://sanctuary.ai/First general-purpose humanoid robot.
Carbon AI control system mimics human brain subsystems.
Manipulates objects with hands.
LiDAR and camera sensors for environment perception
AtlasBoston Dynamicshttps://bostondynamics.com/Athletic and agile, performing parkour and backflips.
Advanced balance and navigation capabilities.
Search and rescue and disaster response.
SophiaHanson Roboticshttps://www.hansonrobotics.com/Human-like facial expressions and conversational abilities.
Recognizes emotions and adapts responses accordingly.
Tool for research in AI and human-robot interaction.
AmecaEngineered Artshttps://www.engineeredarts.co.uk/Expressive face with lifelike skin and eyes.
Articulate hands for fine motor tasks.
Learn and adapt to new situations.
Walker XUBTech Roboticshttps://ubtecheducation.com/Highly mobile and adaptable to rough terrain.
Responds to human emotions and expressions.
Customer service, education, and entertainment.
Tesla OptimusTeslahttps://www.tesla.com/Adult size and weight.
General-purpose tasks, including carrying objects.
Designed for manufacturing in volumn
Actuators designed in-house
Autopilot technology for navigation and obstacle avoidance.
AlohaSoftBank Robotics https://www.softbankrobotics.com/Lightweight for home use.
Taught daily tasks like cleaning and fetching objects.
Pepper robot’s AI platform for communication and interaction.
T-HR3Toyotahttps://global.toyota/en/Iconic bipedal robot with impressive running and dancing skills.
Good obstacle avoidance and object recognition.
Paved the way for future humanoid robot development.
Robonaut 2NASA and GMhttps://www.nasa.gov/robonaut2/Used on the International Space Station for years.
Hands and advanced tools for manipulating objects.
Operates in hazardous environments.
UnknownVarious ChineseChina targets ‘future industries’ in 2024, humanoid robots and biomedicines to drive high-quality economic growth
CL-1LimX Dynamicshttps://www.limxdynamics.com/enThe wheeled robot is at https://youtu.be/tEYLccxFuns
Now have walking robot climbing stairs. https://youtu.be/sihIDeJ4Hmk
Article at New Atlas
KeplarKeplar Roboticshttps://gotokepler.com/The robot is at https://youtu.be/A5vshTgDbKE
Article at New Atlas
Introduced at CES 2024. Many features appear similar to other robots.
Production late 2024
Magic LabMagicLabNo website Demonstrated backward somersaults https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTPmiDrHv4E
Figure AIFigure https://www.figure.ai/Announced developement with BMW. See various videos
This is not an exhaustive list. E.g. the Silicon Valley Robotics group has over 600 startups and 50% of the worlds humanoid robotic focus.
There will be copycat products that look like real products but be smoke and mirrors and copies. Be warned.

China Focus

China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, along with 17 other agencies, has created a new action plan called the “Robot + Application Action Plan.” This plan lays out 10 industries the country wants to focus on developing robotic systems for and overarching goals for the country’s robotics industry to hit by 2025 https://www.therobotreport.com/china-plans-to-put-more-robots-into-these-10-industries/

Copycat Models

With robotics and AI hot investments topics, there will be multiple knockoff startup companies vying for attention and funding. It’s a gold rush.

Silicon Valley Robotics

Andra Keay is Managing Director and Founder of Silicon Valley Robotics, the leading non-profit robotics cluster, with more than 600 robotics startups and 50% of the global robotics investment activity. No doubt many of these startups are using end to end neural nets and robotics.

Videos of Various Robots

Telsa Optimus – latest Gen 2 https://youtu.be/cpraXaw7dyc

Aloha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaaZ8ss-HP4

Ameca https://youtu.be/XJkGB0jNz80

CL-1 https://youtu.be/sihIDeJ4Hmk

Keplar Robot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5vshTgDbKE

Magic Labs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTPmiDrHv4E

Figure AI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5MKo7Idsok

Why Are We Surprised with AI?

The rise in AI intelligence surprised all. Even the experts. Rapid development in 2024 by all makers.

humanoid robots to watch in 2024 as they pass einstein
Robots globally. https://www.therobotreport.com/ifr-china-surpasses-u-s-in-robot-density/