Finding and remembering memes for climate deniers and delayers is a full time job. In social media or in print or digital media comments can verge on ridiculous. Check out the tactics that trolls or climate deniers have here. Myths for nuclear proponents are here in detail. Renewable energy is coming as are electric vehicles. But we know that facts and figures are unlikely to sway climate deniers or climate delayers.
Facts – Not memes for climate deniers and delayers.
The evidence is clear. Facts may not change climate deniers minds, but humour might. And fun creating them.
“Once formed, impressions are remarkably perseverant.”
New Yorker – Why Facts Don’t change our Minds
Turns out habits of mind that seem weird or goofy or just plain dumb from an “intellectualist” point of view prove shrewd when seen from a social “interactionist” perspective.

Mining Coal versus Silicon

UK Nuclear Power Versus Transmission

Lets Play Bingo – Climate Change
B | I | N | G | O |
Just part of the natural cycle | It’s not due to Us | It’s still Cold | Climate Change does not affect Asthma | There is nothing to do |
Warming might be good | 1 degree is no big deal | solar flares cause the problem | More important things to tackle | Climate change does not affect CV disease |
Natural disasters are not affected by global warming | Climate change does not affect mental health | Climate change has not affected anyone yet. | Climate change is a future problem | renewable energy is expensive |
climate change does not affect Lyme disease | CO2 is not the cause | CO2 has no effect on the nutritional value of food | Warming has paused | Climate models are wrong |
Scientists do not agree on climate change | Climate change will not affect me | Plants need CO2 | Climate Change in not harmful to health | Climate change does not cause premature death |
Lets Play Bingo – Batteries

Bingo – Nuclear Proponents

LNP COALition in Australia – A dying Conservative?