15 mythis for greenwashing

Assaad Razzouk in his compelling podcast 58 from The Angry Clean Energy guy spells out his top 15 GreenWashing Claims. From lawyers to green bonds, the fossil fuel industry has known since the early 1970s that burning fossil fuel would raise carbon levels and that climate would be altered. Yet for 50 years, fossil fuel companies have increased their carbon emissions, and although they have agreed to be net-zero by 2050, they continue to be subsidized by $11m a minute and are using subterfuge and amoral tactics. Most corporations are now trying to look green but have a much different environmental, governmental and business vision in mind.

Greenwashing is unsubstantiated and misleading claims to deceive their consumers and citizens that their products are environmentally friendly when these claims could not be further from the truth.

Assaad Razzouk The Angry Clean Energy Guy

Top 15 Greenwashing Claims

  1. Rebranding fossil methane gas to “Natural Gas”
  2. Pushing personal carbon footprint
  3. Recycling plastic
  4. Carbon Capture
  5. Green bond markets
  6. Planting trees
  7. Voluntary carbon markets
  8. Corporate net zero plans without substance
  9. Any fossil fuel company promoting reneweable energy
  10. International Energey Agency Plans
  11. Insurance companies
  12. Lawyers aiding
  13. ESG consultants
  14. Saudi Arabia trees
  15. Carbon neutral shipping of LNG

As Assaad says, there are more than 15 greenwashings claims. If you like listening to podcasts, check him out on your favorite podcast player, or on his website. And tell others. Don’t believe greenwashing.

More than top 15 greenwashing claims

There are many other ways to greenwash including fast fashion, hydrogen, and The Sustainable Agency provides 9 standout examples.

  • Innocent: in-sincere TV adverts
  • Keurig: misleading recycling claims
  • Ikea: accredited illegal logging
  • Windex: misleading plastic packing claims
  • H&M: insincere sustainable fashion claims
  • Hefty: false representation of the product
  • Ryanair: false low-emissions claims
  • Quorn: unverifiable carbon-footprint claims
  • Shell: gaslighting of the general public

Further Information on Lobbying and Greenwashing

LobbyMap is a platform operated by climate change think tank InfluenceMap and is the world’s leading system for tracking corporate climate policy engagement. See

Infographic: Lobbying for Profits over Planet | Statista
From Statista based on LobbyMap data